
Thomas Stoesser l Sep 7, 2021 4:00:00 PM l News, EMEA

comforte AG Welcomes Guests from Bundestag and Hessian Parliament

Wiesbaden, Germany - 7 September 2021 - Manipulation, loss, unauthorized access, or just plain old data theft: Regarding data security, and despite all the progress that has been made, there is still a great deal that needs to be done both within the industry and politically. This realization is nothing new for the CDU Bundestag member for Wiesbaden, Ingmar Jung. The intensive exchange between the CDU parliamentary group chairperson in the Hessian state parliament, Ines Claus, and the board of comforte AG this Friday re-emphasized the undeniable need for action. The Wiesbaden-based company is one of the global market leaders in data security and its products are used to safeguard more than 60 percent of global credit card traffic. The world's largest credit card companies and leading international banks are amongst its major regular clients.

At the headquarters of this global player, which generates most of its sales in the USA, with branches also in Europe, Asia and Australia, Jung and Claus emphasized the importance of data protection as one element for protecting the privacy of millions of people. The CEO of comforte AG, Michael Deissner, stressed the positive effect of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), perceived by some as a kind of "monstrosity", on the development of data security: “This has made companies and consumers equally aware of the need to be concerned about their and their customers’ data."

Ingmar Jung, who works on the Bundestag Committee on Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection, was more than happy to take the wheel. As the CDU politician said, “data protection is not just fundamental during times when people are working more and more in home office”. At the same time, he also admitted that he had not yet cast his gaze upon comforte AG. “It is truly rare when one is previously unaware of such an important company in one’s own electoral constituency”, said Jung. However, those responsible at comforte understood this and provided a plausible explanation: “We work in the area of security, and it is important in this respect to maintain the highest level of discretion when working with our customers," explained Deissner.

The chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in the Hessian state parliament, Ines Claus, also referred to data security, including corporate data, as a relevant future issue. Accordingly, she closely followed the presentation of the product portfolio as well as recent developments by the Wiesbaden company’s data protection experts. With regard to the difficult topic of recruiting highly specialized employees in particular, Claus listened carefully and exchanged ideas with the company's board of directors about targeted political initiatives.

Ines Claus and Ingmar Jung also had the company structure explained to them during their visit to comforte AG. The two CDU politicians were certainly impressed with the international make-up of the workforce: more than 60 percent of the employees had a migration background, the company employs specialists from all parts of the world, and the common language within the offices is English. “For us, Wiesbaden presents an absolute locational advantage within the global village", enthused the founder of comforte AG and now chairman of the supervisory board, Michael Rossbach. “Wiesbaden and the Rhine-Main region definitely represent a region that the company can profit from.” An accolade for the region that was music to the ears of Ingmar Jung in his constituency.

The fact that comforte AG also takes its social responsibility seriously and, as a training institution, actively seeks cooperation with universities, received warm recognition from the political guests. A stroke of good fortune for comforte AG is certainly embodied by Alan Farouq Almamo. The 27-year-old had fled from Syria as a refugee before he applied for a job at comforte and he is now a valued apprentice within the ranks of this global player from our state capital. 

Deissner and Rossbach finally presented the guests from the federal and state parliaments the development of comforte AG - from its beginnings, through its continuous innovations, to its immediate future, all of which might soon culminate in the flotation of the Wiesbaden-based company on the financial market.

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